The Company

Swiss Resyx provides advanced, innovative and environment-conscious nanotechnology for polymer chips, materials and consumer products in distinguished markets throughout various industries.

Our goal and expertise is to enable our industrial partners worldwide creating new markets, increasing competitive edge, staying profitable and outperform with thoughts that ultimately become engineered things. With powerful R&D laboratories and globally extending production capabilities, we deliver mind-blowing solutions to challenges in key industries and ever changing consumer behavior. Resyx makes its core technologies available and affordable to anyone.

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Swiss Resyx provides advanced, innovative and environment-conscious nanotechnology for polymer chips, materials and consumer products in distinguished markets throughout various industries.


Resyx is an innovative, environment-conscious producer and vendor of high quality functional nano particles, polymer chips, performance fibers and filaments in cooperation with worldwide partners.


Resyx works with clients and brands worldwide to create new solutions to existing challenges. Hence, custom-designed solutions based on specific technical requirements are offered to any small…


As a Resyx client, your organization has entrusted to our care certain confidential data. We recognize that your relationship with us is based on trust, and that you expect us to act responsibly.